If you’re tired of feeling trapped in a whirlwind of frustration, anger, and yelling, especially when your kids don’t listen or  emotions are running high,

And you're wondering why you can't seem to stop...

It’s time to take action.

Grab your free E-book;

Three Reasons You May Be Yelling and How You Can Begin to Stop...Today.



Parenting IS hard.

 But it doesn't have to be miserable.


There is a better way.


If you find yourself saying...


"I wake up every morning promising I will stay calm, only to lose my patience again."


"I hate how much I'm yelling at my kids."


"I want to change, I need to change, I just don't know how. Nothing has helped."


"I worry that I'm messing up my kids."


"This is not the kind of mom I want to be or imagined myself being."


You are tired of feeling trapped in a cycle of frustration, anger, and yelling that seems to rear its head whenever your kids don't listen, behave in a way that drives you crazy or experience overwhelming emotions that push you to your limits.


You promised yourself you wouldn't lose your cool today, yet you wonder how you ended up here...again. 


Leaving you feeling guilty, like you are constantly blowing it, wondering not only if you'll ever get this parenting thing right and how much you are messing up your kids.

I get it. I really, really do.

I also understand the guilt and shame that inevitably appear after the anger.

Heck, I can remember each time I sat in shame, wanting so much to change these patterns of frustration and anger but not knowing what to do or how.

I genuinely do get it. 


And I am here to help you.
  • To show you how to turn the anger you are experiencing into confidence and more peace.
  • To show you how you, too, CAN feel calm and know how to stay connected to your kids, especially in the challenging moments.

And in doing so, 

  • Show you how you can enjoy parenting AND your kids again. 

Yes. It IS possible!

Join me, Mama, on this transformational journey as I show you how.


Book a Free Mini Session Today

A message from me to you.

I really do understand.

I see you. I get it.

Let's Talk

What one mama has to say:

"Claire has helped me to unwind and untangle a lot of beliefs and baggage that I didn't realize I was carrying. My life feels lighter, not because my kid's behavior has changed, but because I have fundamentally changed. There has been a shift in our home."


Book your call now

Two Ways to Get Started

The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting

Mama's Tribe $47/mo

Are you feeling frustrated, like you're doing everything wrong? Would you like to know how to be calm and confident in your parenting and know how to discipline without using threats, punishment, or yelling?

Join a supportive community for Mamas like you where you can learn, grow, and connect with each other using The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting and positive parenting tips, tools, and strategies.  

Join me inside the Tribe. 

  • Immediate access to The C.A.R.E.S.Approach to Parenting 101 Online Course
  • 2 Monthly 1-hour Zoom group coaching calls  
  •  NEW!! ONE - 1x1 Session with me per quarter. (A $150 value) That's FOUR 1x1 sessions per year.
  •  A growing library of 52 Videos of Positive Parenting Tips and Tools   
  •  A private FB community with other mamas for continual support.   
  •  The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting Mamas Tribe is accessible via a phone app. It's like having a Parent Coach in your pocket—it IS having a Parent Coach in your pocket! 
Join Now!

The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting

1x1 Parent Coaching

Learn to navigate your overwhelm, frustration, and anger, and begin to yell less. Learning The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting will make you feel more calm, confident and connected to your kids, even in challenging moments.

Through years of personal work, I have changed the parenting patterns that were not serving me or my family well. I became the calm, confident mama my kids needed me to be, creating the strong, close-knit, deeply connected family I have today.

What took me years to accomplish, I now show you how to do in a much shorter period us The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting and use proven Positive Discipline Tools and Techniques.

 The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting incorporates positive parenting, mindfulness, and awareness. It shows you how to move from being stuck in chaos, conflict, and power struggles to being IN a relationship with your kiddos and seeking resolutions from a place of connection instead.

This is a non-judgmental, compassionate, safe space to explore, learn, and grow. Book a FREE Introductory Call to discuss how  The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting can transform your parenting journey today.

Book a Call

Hear what others say about working with Claire

"The safe, non-judgmental space which Claire creates is critical to being able to do this work. She was able to take my rambling about parenting challenges, un-peel the layers, hone in on the specific issue, and then help come up with tools to utilize. Her check-ins were invaluable and I would frequently re-read them throughout the week as a reminder of what I was working on, but she also always made sure to share my wins. This was a great confidence builder for me. The work I have done with Claire will help me for many years to come. She helped unlock a lot for me that is enabling me to be a better parent."

D.R. Mom of 2

 "Claire's group has given me a sense of community that is so precious. The community aspect, mixed with the valuable information and tools has helped me gain a deeper understanding of myself and my little one. I’ve already seen a major shift in how I handle the stressors of life and motherhood. Claire was able to help me take a step back and witness difficult situations. This allowed me to learn from my struggles and take better care of myself so that I can be a better mother. Now I’m not just reacting with anger and frustration, but approaching issues calmly. I’m seeing a lot more joy and a lot less stress in my day-to-day."
J.M. Mom of 2 


"Claire's group has helped me gain insight into my behaviors and reactions and has taught me how crucial it is to remain calm and/or get back to a place of calm as soon as possible! I am becoming more mindful of my own emotions and reactions and am learning how to pause when agitated and to drop my end of the rope. I’m also learning the importance of extending grace and compassion to myself as well as to my children through empathy, empowerment, and encouragement. I’m very encouraged and inspired by hearing other moms in the same struggle as myself and I am enjoying gleaning wisdom from each of them! Thank you Claire for all your teaching me/us!"

B.P. Mom of 2

Book A FREE Call with Claire

Hi, I'm Claire

Why am I passionate about helping mamas understand their anger so they can begin to yell less and enjoy themselves and their kiddos more?

Because I don’t want anyone to stay stuck in the guilt and shame I lived in for so long as a mama who walked around looking like everything was great on the outside but struggled so hard with being overwhelmed, frustrated, and angry on the inside.

I know the struggle of being an overwhelmed mama who wants to stop feeling angry and letting it out in unhealthy ways.

I struggled with feeling confident in my parenting decisions, and I struggled with wondering how much I was messing up my kids because of it all.

Then, in July 2003, in another moment of rage, I couldn’t deny what was happening any longer. If I wanted to have the connected relationships with my kids I truly desired, I had to change my relationship with anger and rage.

I did not know HOW.

Fast-forward to changing deep patterns of people-pleasing, isolating, and avoidance, along with learning how to say no and understanding not only my needs but that I even had them!

I began to gain more confidence in myself as a woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.

I found I could enjoy my kiddos and being a mother again.

As a mama/stepmama of 4 young adult kiddos, what took me years to discover and change, I now get to show other mamas how so they can feel calmer and more confident on their journey using The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting (written and designed by me), along with proven Positive Discipline Tools and Techniques.

The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting incorporates positive parenting, mindfulness, and awareness. It shows you how to move from being stuck in chaos, conflict, and power struggles to being IN a relationship with your kiddos and seeking resolutions from a place of connection instead.

I still use this approach and all of the tips and tools I learned on my journey, which allowed me to create the deeply connected relationships with my children and the close-knit family culture I desired.

If this struggle feels familiar to you, mama, you’re not alone. I see you.

Join me as I show you how you CAN break out of your anger and be the calm and confident mama you desire.

Let's do this.

Book a FREE 30-minute mini-session to discuss what's happening for you and your family today.

Book a FREE Call Now

Does this sound like you?

  • You get angry a lot
  • You are feeling like you’re doing everything wrong 
  • You feel like you are failing
  • You can’t stop yelling and are feeling really defeated
  • You’d like to know how to discipline without using threats, punishment, and yelling
  • You find yourself lashing out and now your kids are too
  • You are feeling guilty for modeling this behavior
  • You feel lost as a mom
  • You’d like to feel confident again and enjoy parenting once more
  • You know there is a better way, you just don't know where to start
Yes it does! How do I find calm?

Would you like to...

  • find peace and ease in your home
  • feel confident you are making the right choices for your family
  • know you are not alone and you are a great parent
  • stop yelling and start connecting with your kids
  • have kids that do what they need to do without being asked over and over
  • be the parent you thought you would be before you had kids
  • find joy in your life as a parent
  • build a connection with your kids that is unbreakable
Yes I would! Please show me how!

The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting

Claire's parenting journey of experiencing frequent conflict, overwhelm, and anger as a mama of 4 to becoming a more calm, confident mama who created the strong, close-knit, deeply connected family she has today is what brought her to parent coaching. Using The C.A.R.E.S. Approach to Parenting, along with proven positive parenting tools and techniques, Claire helps families who desire to change the patterns that are not serving them well begin to feel calmer, more in control, and connected, thus creating a peaceful family culture they truly desire.

Step 1

Catch Yourself

Choosing to stop yourself creates the pause which is the first step to allow you to move forward in a new, more positive, and mindful way.

Step 2


Assessing three areas helps YOU, the parent, become more calm, clear, and better able to problem solve outside the emotion of conflict and chaos.

Step 3


The relationship is the glue that binds you together. Remembering the Relationship allows you to flip the script for both of you from ME to WE.

Step 4


This powerful step fills every child's innate, deep desire and need to be seen, heard, validated, and understood through empathy and exploration.

Step 5

Seek Resolution

Stating everyone's needs, and sharing thoughts and ideas creates moments out of conflict and spent in connection with each other instead.

Book a Free Call

"Mindful, Positive, and Intentional Parenting is not about Perfection but rather Presence, Process, and Practice."

Claire Cetti, Parent Coach

Book a Call with Claire