Three Tips To Help Alleviate After-School Meltdowns

Sep 06, 2023

Have you ever been in that moment when you're picking up your child from school, genuinely excited to hear about their day, only to be met with a scowl, silence, or finding your kiddo having a breakdown when you ask a simple question: How was your day?

It's a situation many of us parents can relate to.

After a long day at school, it's not uncommon for children to experience after-school meltdowns. Being at school demands a significant amount of energy from kids as they engage in various activities, academic tasks, and social interactions throughout the day. By the time the school day ends, they may feel drained and depleted due to the mental and emotional exertion required to focus, learn, and interact with peers and teachers. This depletion can leave them with limited energy reserves, overwhelming the transition from school to home.

As parents, you can try these three simple yet powerful steps to alleviate these meltdowns and foster a smoother, more harmonious after-school routine. 

  1. Ease up on the questions.

Imagine your child steps out of the school doors, backpack slung over their shoulder, and you're eager to know about their day. It's natural to be curious, but there are better approaches than bombarding them immediately with a barrage of questions. They might be mentally exhausted after spending hours at school, where they've been processing information, engaging with peers, and adhering to routines. And all the questions asked of them right after school may be adding to their stress.

Instead, give them some space to breathe. As they hop into the car or arrive home, greet them with a warm smile and a simple "Hello!" Let them know you're happy to see them without overwhelming them with inquiries. Consider letting them initiate the conversation when they feel ready. Remember, your child's brain might need time to switch gears from school to home mode.

  1. Think Nourishment

Show up with a snack and something to drink. Think about how you feel when you're hungry and tired—you’re most likely not in the best state of mind to engage in meaningful conversations. Your child is no different. After expending energy throughout the school day, their bodies and minds are likely craving nourishment

In other words, they could be “hangry.” Giving them a snack before getting in the car or driving home can be helpful.

  1. Greet them with a Smile and a Hug, and Let them take the Lead.

Of course, you want to reconnect with your kiddo after school and hear about their day, but try holding off for now and drive in silence. Use this time to relax and enjoy each other's presence without the pressure of conversation. Put some music on, and if you must say something, share something sweet you see on the drive home, like the cute dog you just passed or something about the scenery. By allowing your child to unwind in this peaceful environment, you're giving them the space to decompress and recharge.

You should notice positive changes in your after-school routine as you implement these strategies. Your child will feel more supported, understood, and valued by giving them the time and space to decompress. They'll love your patience and understanding and come to appreciate the space you've created where they can express themselves without the pressure, which, in turn, increases the likelihood that they'll be more willing to share about their school day at a later time.

So, remember these simple yet impactful strategies the next time your child steps out of school with a tired smile. Greet them with warmth, offer nourishment for their body and mind, and let them initiate conversation. The after-school meltdowns should lessen and be replaced by a sense of comfort, understanding, and connection that benefits both of you.

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